Each of my articles is subject to a different agreement. Some allow me to post the article on my personal website. Others don't. If you'd like a copy of an article that is listed here but not free, please let me know ([email protected]) and I will send you one by email.
Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht / Heidelberg Journal of International Law, The Proportion of Global South Scholarship in Elite International Law Publications
European Journal of International Law, The (Non-)Use of African Law by the International Criminal Court (co-authored)
Leiden Journal of International Law, Mapping Interpretation by the International Criminal Court (co-authored)
Modern Law Review, Chilling and Warming Effects on the Production of Legal Scholarship
Equity & Excellence in Education, Invisible Currents of Power Course Beneath the Surface of Our Rivers
International Journal for Academic Development, Holistic Academic Development in a Pandemic (In Verse)
Accountability in Research: Policies and Quality Assurance, The Use of Text-Matching Software's Similarity Scores
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Letters to the Editor and the Race for Publication Metrics
Human Rights Law Review, Critical Speech in Southeast Asian Grey Literature During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Learned Publishing, On the Limitations of Recent Lawsuits against Sci-Hub, OMICS, ResearchGate and Georgia State University
Think, Taking Credit
Journal of Scholarly Publishing, Predatory Journals on Trial: Allegations, Responses, and Lessons for Scholarly Publishing from FTC v. OMICS
English in Education, Home-made Poetry as Pedagogical Tool: An Experience from the Law Classroom
Journal of Legal Education, Degree (Un)Equivalencies: The Confounding Case of the Juris Doctor
Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, Magic, Inherent Evil, and the Proto-Feminism of María de Zayas y Sotomayor: A Comparison with Select Novelas of Miguel de Cervantes and Alonso de Castillo Solórzano
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Transitional Justice in Myanmar: Fragments of Quieted Voices (hybrid academic, fiction, poetry)
Leiden Journal of International Law, Citation Practices of the International Criminal Court: The Situation in Darfur, Sudan
Learned Publishing, Improve Student-Edited Law Journals: Eliminate the Acceptance Period
European Journal of International Law, Referencing Patterns at the International Criminal Court
Trusts & Trustees, Reconceptualizing the Fully-Secret Trust
Asian Journal of Comparative Law, Dishonest Assistance in Singapore and Malaysia since Barlow Clowes
University of Pennsylvania Asian Law Review (formerly East Asia Law Review), Gauging the Economic and Political Costs to China of Article 13(b) Referrals of Sudan and Myanmar to the International Criminal Court
Australian Journal of Human Rights, Exploring the Paradox of Limitation Clauses: How Restrictions on Basic Freedoms in the 2008 Myanmar Constitution May Strengthen Human Rights Protections